Read on your own, or with a grown-up!


Did you know that Hajj is based on the life of Ibrahim AS and his sacrifices? Read the story to learn some of the history of Hajj.

One night, Anisah had a lovely dream.

 She dreamt that she travelled all the way back in time on her flying carpet with Adam through the hot glittery deserts. Can you guess where they went?

Read Anisah’s hilarious story for World Book Day, about a boy with a very stinky habit!



Get cosy and watch some of our stories!


The Zombie Takeover

Watch The Zombie Takeover: Part 2 HERE

Watch The Zombie Takeover: Part 3 HERE



Scroll through and read our short comics.


The Secret Superhero

Adam & anisah look for the ramadan moon

Ramadan begins

Catching the night of power

A special duaa