Did you know that Hajj is based on the life of Ibrahim (AS) and his sacrifices? Read the story below to learn some of the history of Hajj.


Safa and Marwa

When Ibrahim (AS) was 86 years old, Allah instructed him to take his wife Hajar and their baby Ismail (AS) to the Arabian desert. There was nothing there, except for miles and miles of sand dunes. There was no fruit or water, and no people to be seen anywhere.  

Allah told Ibrahim (AS) to leave Hajar and Ismail (AS) there alone, so he took them to the top of a mountain called Marwa, and left them under the shade of a tree with some dates and water.


After a while, the dates and water ran out and both Hajar and Ismail (AS) were very hungry and thirsty. Hajar began looking for help and ran to top of the next mountain, which was called Safa. She looked across the valley, hoping to see someone who could help her, but there was nobody in sight. Then she ran back up to the top of Marwa, looking for help from there, but again, there was nobody there.


Hajar ran seven times, up and down between Safa and Marwa. When she reached Marwa for the last time, she saw an Angel come down from Heaven, and make a hole in the Earth, until water flowed from that place! This became the spring of ZamZam. 


She drank the water and fed Ismail (AS), and the Angel told her not to worry about being left alone as this was the place of the House of Allah.


Because of the water, lots of travellers passed by and people started to live there. This place became known as Makkah.


The Qurbani

Years later, Ibrahim (AS) returned to Makkah and found Ismail (AS) as a healthy and thoughtful young man. One night Ibrahim (AS) had a dream. In his dream, Allah told him that he must sacrifice Ismail (AS). He told Ismail (AS) about his dream, and Ismail (AS) agreed that it should be done because Allah had asked him to.


Ismail (AS) went into Sujood, ready to be sacrificed for the sake of Allah. At that moment Allah sent down a ram and told Ibrahim (AS) that he will be rewarded for obeying His command and that he can sacrifice the ram instead of Ismail.


Building the Ka’bah

After that, Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) taught people about Allah and how to worship Him, but they needed a special place where they could worship Allah in peace. One day, Allah told Ibrahim (AS) to build the Ka’bah. Ismail (AS) collected the stones and his father built the walls. When they had finished, Angel Jibreel came down from Heaven and taught Ibrahim (AS) the rituals of Hajj.


Can you make a sacrifice of your own?

Choose your favourite toy and let your brother or sister play with it for one day.